Detailed Profile of Mentors / Experts
Santhosh B
  Bengaluru / Bangalore (KA) , India - IST (Indian Standard Time)

Machine Learning / Computer vision / Image processing /Python

   8 Years

INR₹ 1000 Per Hour

   English ( Fluent ) , Hindi ( Fluent ) , Kannada ( Fluent ) , Telugu ( Fluent ) ,

Key Skills   : Python,

Categories : Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Real-time Analytics

Mobile Num : Verified Num of Views : 93
Tech Services Provided By Me

    ✓ Online / WFH / Remote Work

    ✓ More than 20 hours per week

Short Bio
I'm a software programmer in the field of AI Computer vision have some strong 6+ years of experience in Printing industry and strong experience in Artificial intelligence, computer vision/Image processing,NLP and Deep learning domain.

Object detection using a traditional computer vision algorithms and used different image descriptors like color channel statistics,color histograms,Hu moments,Haralick texture,local binary patterns,histogram of oriented gradient(HOG) and keypoint detectors like Fast,Harris,GFTT,DOG,Fast Hessian,Dense,Brisk,ORB and feature extraction algorithms like SIFT,SURF,RootSIFT.

Object Recognition in the images and Real time frames using R-CNN model family,YOLO, SSD in deep learning.

Passion on software programming, mathematics and analyzing patterns to solve puzzles made me curious to learn Artificial intelligence and Deep learning, successfully completed Deep learning specialization course in coursera, during this course worked on programming assignments which are very close to real time applications on Video/Image processing using opencv .

Skill Set: Python (NumPy, opencv, Pandas,matplotlib,NLTK,opencv,spacy Scikit-learn, Tensorflow,Keras), C++,SQL,Git, Docker.
Algorithms: Logistic regression,K-Nearest Neighbor,support vector machines,Decision trees,Random forests,K-Mean Clustering,Linear Regression,ensemble models,XGBoost,ANN, CNN,RNN,LSTM, Bi-directional LSTM,Encoder-Decoder architecture.
Skills & Experties


Tech Skills Experience Skill Level
Python, 8 Years Expert
Project Details
Project Title Not Specified
Start Date Not Specified End Date Not Specified
Project Details:
Employment / Work History
Company Name Designation Duration
Siemens Ltd Senior Machine Learning Engineer 14 Apr 2022 to 14 Apr 2022

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